Monday, December 15, 2008

Buren, 1970. Untitled.
This artist explored the idea of how art work is made for a gallery. If you saw this striped "canvas" in a gallery, you would view it as something completely different than you do here, on the streets of NYC.
This, like many other pieces in post modernism, forces the viewer to figure the piece out themselves. If you think its not art, as many people will choose to blow this off as some degnerate form of 'non -art' whatever that is, than maybe you just havent thought about it enough. Or maybe your concept of art is limited to aesthetic, or canvas, or as Buren is challenging, the gallery space.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just when you thought art was only for pansy hippies, it goes and gets all "deep" on you. I had never really considered the role of the gallery in peoples' perceptions of art. It always just seemed like a neutral background. I would probably fall into that category of "narrow-minded art viewers", because I tend to think of lots of modern stuff as "not real art" :-/